POLST Basics for Medical Social Workers
Learn the specifics of the POLST form and simple tips to have this difficult conversation with patients and families.
More Productive and Less Awkward
Are you completely comfortable having POLST conversations? I know I wasn't for a long time!
For me it was, how do I even bring up the conversation?
Over the past 5 years in hospice and palliative care I have had hundreds of these conversations and was able to overcome my fears of the topic and help others make these important life and death decisions.
Join me as I discuss the basics of the POLST (Physician Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment). We will cover each of the 4 sections, explain the difference between POLST and DPOA, and give tips on how to start the conversation with patients and families in a more empathetic and genuine way.
What this Training covers:
- Understand what the POLST is and what each section means for the patient and family.
- Explain the difference between a POLST and DPOA and why patients need both.
- Walk away with new tips to approach this conversation in a more natural way with new patients and families.
Say no, More, I need this!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is the POLST?
Who is this for?
How much is it?
Who is the instructor?
Show me what I need to know!
Be ready to approach these life and death conversations with confidence and with more tools in your therapeutic toolkit. This is everything I wish I had as a new Medical Social Worker.
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Fun Facts...
100% of those surveyed would recommend this course to others
100% of those surveyed feel very confident or extremely confident in having this conversation after watching this course.
Here's what others have said...
“Now I can walk in confident and actually know what to say!”
"I absolutely had so many takeaways and you were dropping gold in my notes with how you would respond to a patient and your techniques to work from the bottom up. I interned at a hospital and…My supervisor at the time wanted me to wing it.... so THANK YOU for this training."
Hey Future Therapist!
Are you needing more confidence in guiding clients through the therapeutic process?
We made this for you, to guide you through from Initial Assessment to Termination and everything in between! Click below to learn more.
Clinical Essentials for the Future Therapist
Want more resources for Social Workers by Social Workers?
The free workshop is just 1 part of Social Workers, Rise! which seeks to empower new and aspiring social workers through relationships and specialized knowledge.
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